- “Robust detection of plant species distribution shifts under biased sampling regimes,” Ecosphere (2011) 2(10): 115: 1-23, with Adam Wolf, William R.L. Anderegg, and Sadie J. Ryan.
- “Population decline assessment, historical baselines, and conservation,” Conservation Letters 3 (2010): 371-378, with Timothy C. Bonebrake, Carol L. Boggs, Paul R. Ehrlich.
- “Did Land Protection in Silicon Valley Reduce the Housing Stock?,” Biological Conservation 143 (2010): 1087-1093, with Carrie A. Denning and Robert I. Mcdonald.
- “Remembering the Gulf: Changes to the Marine Communities of the Sea of Cortez Since the Steinbeck and Ricketts Expedition of 1940,” with Raphael D. Sagarin, William F. Gilly, Charles H. Baxter, Nancy Burnett, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 2008; 6, doi 10.1890/070067.
- “From the Tide Pool to the Stars: Sailing with the Spirit of John Steinbeck and Ed Ricketts on a New Voyage of Discovery around Baja California,” in “Beyond Two Cultures: The Sciences as Liberal Arts,” Liberal Arts, Volume 4, 7-19, October 2005.
- “War of Words,” ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, 4:1 (Spring 1997): 95-102.